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Understand the Smile and Okendo integration
Understand the Smile and Okendo integration

Install Okendo to offer customers points for leaving a review at your store

Hannah avatar
Written by Hannah
Updated over a month ago

πŸ›’ Supported on Shopify only

πŸ’³ Available on paid plans

πŸ‘€ Accessible to all roles

Integrate Smile with Okendo to offer your customers points for leaving reviews. Customers can include videos and photos for more points. This encourages customers to leave a review on the products they've purchased.

Integrate Okendo

βœ… Tip: Smile can be integrated on Okendo's Free plan

  1. Install Okendo on your Shopify store.

  2. From the Okendo dashboard navigate to Settings > Integrations.

  3. Click the pencil icon next to Smile.

  4. Click Connect.

  5. Click Authorize.

Award points for submitting a review

  1. From Smile admin navigate to Program > Points > Add ways to earn.

  2. In the Smile apps section choose from the following:

    1. Write a review

    2. Attach a picture to your review

    3. Attach a video to your review

    4. Attach a profile picture to your review

  3. In the Earning value section, choose how many points you'd like to award for the action.

  4. Customize the earning action.

  5. Click Create.

πŸ’‘ Important: If you have multiple review earning actions live and a customer completes more than one action, they will earn cumulative points for all of the review actions.

For Okendo's documentation on connecting Smile you can click here.

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