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Hide Smile branding

How you can hide Smile branding on your panel

Hannah avatar
Written by Hannah
Updated over 3 weeks ago

πŸ›’ Supported on all platforms

πŸ’³ Available on paid plans

πŸ‘€ Accessible to all roles

Smile branding can be hidden to ensure a seamless, on brand experience for your customers.

Hide Smile branding

πŸ’‘ Important: Hiding Smile branding can only be configured on our paid plans

  1. From Smile admin navigate to Setting > Branding.

  2. In the Theme section, click Edit.

  3. Click on Smile Branding.

  4. In the Smile Branding section click None.

  5. Click Save.

ℹ️ Note: Any UI changes can take up to 15 minutes to show on your store due to our caching settings.

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