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Smile Paid Plan Advantages

Learn about the features available on Smile's Paid plans

Maggie avatar
Written by Maggie
Updated over a week ago


Want to take your program to the next level by increasing program participation, repeat purchase rate, and re-engaging inactive customers? Get the most out of Smile’s paid plans with these awesome features and benefits.



Nudges are a powerful reminder to your program members on your cart page that they have enough points to redeem for a reward, or they have a coupon code waiting to be used! Nudges can help increase redemption rate, and influence repeat purchases!

Nudges can be enabled from your Notifications Nudges page, and you can choose to enable both “Increase reward usage” and “Increase points spending” - we recommend enabling both!

Image of the Smile Nudge, branded with a black background and a gift box image, "You have a reward available" "add the reward to your cart" and a button that says "view reward"
image of the backend of Smile where Nudges can be configured. This displays each type of Nudge and a green or grey identifier that says whether it is enabled or not

Nudges are available on our Starter plan and above

Points expiry

Points expiry is a great way to encourage customers to use their points before they’re gone! This helps create urgency, which can influence inactive customers to purchase again! Points expiry works on a rolling basis, and can be set to 6 months, one year or two years.

Points expiry can be enabled in your Points Settings and you can select when you’d like a reminder email to be sent.

Image of the backend of Smile's points expiry feature. Shows a series of options 1. whether points expiry is enabled, the expiration period, reactivation period and last chance email

Points expiry is available on our Growth plan and above

Referral sharing options

Referral sharing customization is a great way to incorporate your branding when program members share their URLs on social media! This can help add personality and your brand’s images to social referral shares to increase conversion and make marketing consistent!

Customizing your referral card and display can be enabled in your Referral Sharing Options.

image of referral sharing options, and a check box where you can select to "customize card message and display"

VIP program

A VIP program is a great way to reward your loyal customers and increase repeat purchases! Program members will climb tiers based on your milestone option, and entry rewards and perks can incentivize customers to continue purchasing to receive coupons when they enter a tier, or receive ongoing perks!

To get started, click Program and click the VIP Program!

Need some help getting set up with VIP? Watch our quick video walkthrough!

VIP is available on our Growth plan and up

App integrations

Smile has a growing number of app integrations to make your rewards program even better! Connect your Email Service Provider to send out targeted messaging to your program members, connect your product review platform to award points for reviews, and MORE! All of our available integrations are in our App Store!

Banner images & icons

Create a more cohesive marketing experience by customizing your banner image, and adding a brand icon! These can be enabled in your Display Theme Banner Images section!

We're here to help!

Looking for recommendations for program configuration? Have strategy questions? Not sure where to start with marketing your rewards program? Reach out to us at

What's next?

Paid plan branding guide

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