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Smile Glossary

Words you will commonly see when you use Smile

Maggie avatar
Written by Maggie
Updated over a week ago


This guide will assist in understanding different terminology found within the Smile application and is broken down into different components of the application itself.

Smile UI
Smile Admin

Smile UI

Smile UI: The customer-facing experience of a reward program, made up of the following components. When referring to the customer-facing aspects of the program, in-app copy will refer to the specific items - the program cards, the deep links, the panel, etc. Not "Smile UI"

Panel: Main customer-facing component of Smile UI where customers can interact with different program cards to learn more about and engage with a merchant’s program on their website.

Program cards: Individual containers which include information such as titles, descriptions and buttons within the panel

Launcher: A button that is the primary way to open the panel, the first interaction a customer has with their program.

Deep-links: Allows customers to open their panel by clicking on any interactive element on the merchant's site (instead of the launcher). These elements can include buttons, menus, and links. Deep-links can also be used in emails and automated messages and even to link to different parts of the panel.

Smile Admin

Where a merchant manages their rewards program, including the following:

Customers: Where a merchant can view program candidates, members and customer activity within their program.

Display: Where merchants make changes to Smile UI including:

Theme: Where merchants can make changes to all of the visual elements of their panel. Theme section includes brand colors, shapes, wallpaper, launcher placement, launcher visibility, banner images, removing Smile branding.

Panel: Where merchants make edits to their program card titles, descriptions, CTAs and order.

Launcher: Where a merchant can make edits to the launcher.

Nudges: On-site reminders that encourage program engagement.

Notifications: Where merchants can enable, disable and make changes to email notifications sent through Smile.

Analytics: Where merchants can view program insights.

Apps: Where merchants can manage Shopify, BigCommerce settings and add an app integration.

Integration: Applications that connect with Smile, includes Smile Apps and platforms

Smile Apps: One-click integrations that allow you to get more from your program by linking in other tools you love. Connect to email service providers, review apps, and other online marketing tools. (I.e. Mailchimp, HubSpot)

Platform: eCommerce platform hosting eCommerce website (i.e. Shopify, Shopify Plus, BigCommerce, custom)

Smile Nudges: On-site notifications to encourage program actions such as joining rewards program, sharing referral link


Rewards program: Where merchants can manage their rewards program configurations, including the different reward types they currently have enabled or disabled.

Reward program types: The variety of ways to reward that make up a rewards program, including Points, Referrals, and VIP

Member: A customer with a registered store account. Often referred to as a program member

Candidate: A customer who has completed an order with a guest checkout, has the potential of becoming a rewards program member

Customers: All program members and candidates

Visitor: A person viewing a merchant's store

Actions : Ways program members can earn points which can be used towards rewards

Rewards: Program participants can redeem their points towards a reward

Reward code: Program members will be provided with a reward code when they redeem points on a reward, which they can apply towards a purchase

Points currency: Unit name for points currency, which can be customized to fit a merchant brand, i.e. "Stars" or "Club Points"

Points expiry: Time limit for customers to use their points before losing their points balance


Advocate: The person sharing a referral with a friend who is not yet a member of the rewards program, essentially advocating the brand

Friend: The person receiving the referral from an existing program member

Advocate reward: Reward issued to the the program member that refers their friend to the program

Friend reward: Issued to a new customer who receives a referral code from an existing program member.


VIP tiers: levels members can achieve to unlock associated perks and benefits

Milestone type: The unit used to determine how a customer’s VIP tier is calculated, i.e. customer's revenue or points balance

Milestone period: The time period a customer has to earn their VIP tier.

Entry reward: One-time rewards given to a program member when they enter a higher VIP tier.

Perk: Ongoing reward offered to program members in a specific VIP tier that is managed by the merchant outside of Smile Admin.

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